What are the five things to know about the $88 Million Settlement:
- The mass shooting occurred on June 17, 2015, at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, S.C. The shooting is one of the deadliest mass shootings at an American place of worship in U.S. history.
- On July 10, 2015, FBI Director James Comey informed the American people the FBI made mistakes in conducting the background check for the firearm Dylan Roof used to carry out this racially motivated mass shooting and that Roof should not have been allowed to purchase the firearm.
- Mother Emanuel AME church is one of the oldest Black churches in the U.S and has long been a center for organizing civil rights events.
- It is a tribute to a remarkable group of people whose loss, patience, determination and grace made the settlement possible.
- While African Americans have not always received equal justice in our courts, this settlement serves as a beacon for all and as an important reminder that justice does exist.
Mullins McLeod of MLG was co-lead counsel. His courtroom work and tireless advocacy was instrumental in helping secure this important settlement.
News Coverage Links
ABC News – Video: https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/settlement-reached-2015-charleston-church-shooting-80857295
C-Span – https://www.c-span.org/video/?515694-1/mother-emanuel-ame-massacre-lawsuit-news-conference
The State – https://www.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article255349806.html#storylink=mainstage_lead
The State – https://www.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article255357076.html
Yahoo News: https://www.yahoo.com/gma/doj-reaches-settlements-victims-families-153512624.html
WCSC: https://www.live5news.com/2021/10/28/emanuel-9-families-attorneys-hold-news-conference-lawsuit/